Road Safety Education Program
The foundation of the driving course isthe Road Safety Education Program.The aim of the program is to enablelearners to acquire the four followingcompetencies:
•Establish the profile of a safe,cooperative and responsible driver.
•Handle a passenger vehicle.
•Share the road.
•Use the road network independentlyand responsibly.
The program also aims to:
− alternate between theoretical and practical instruction to promotebetter integration of learning.
− gradually allow new drivers greaterindependence in decisionmakingin a variety of driving situations sothat, upon obtaining a probationarylicence, they will have a lower riskof accidents.
− improve the learner driver’s visualexploration, hazard detection andanticipation of risks through theOEA (Observe – Evaluate – Act)driving strategy.
− introduce ecodriving so thatlearner drivers are encouragedto make more ecologically awarechoices when they plan their tripsand to adopt fuelefficient drivingmanoeuvres when they drive theirvehicle.
− foster awareness of atrisk behaviours and risk factors amonglearner drivers, particularly inthe 16 to 24 age group: speeding,alcoholor drugimpaired driving,failure to wear seat belts, fatigue,distractions, etc.
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